Unlocking Efficiency: The Strategic Advantage of Serialization

Nov 24, 2023

Multitasking is a cardinal sin. Often mistaken for a virtue, the power of task serialization emerges as a game-changer in the realm of productivity. As professionals and teams juggle numerous responsibilities, adopting the sequencing of tasks can lead to not just a spike in effectiveness but also a substantial increase in profitability. Let's explore the art of serialization and how it can transform our workdays from chaotic to triumphant.

The Trap of Multitasking: A Common Misconception

What's the Big Problem? The allure of multitasking is pervasive, with many believing it to be the key to productivity. However, splitting attention between concurrent tasks can lead to subpar outcomes and increased stress levels. The instinct is to tackle multiple projects simultaneously, assuming this approach maximizes time usage.

Why Doesn't It Work for Them? This strategy often results in a diluted focus, increased errors, and tasks taking longer to complete, ultimately affecting the bottom line. Maximizing throughput is not achieved by maximizing time utilization. The culprit? the cost of context switching.

The Power of Serialization: A Focused Approach

How Would I Solve It Differently? Make a list of everything competing for time. Evaluate all tasks and arrange them in a sequence. Focus on completing one task before moving on to the next. There are many techniques to prioritize work; RICE, Eisenhower Matrix, MOSCOW, Weighted Shortest Job First, to name a few. The Financial Upside of Serialization is highly underappreciated; the outcome of doing one thing at a time can be 4X higher than when doing 3 or 4. A simple example (illustration from Chris Gagne):

Here's the kicker. The worst serialized priority will also be twice the value of the best priority with three concurrent projects. Random (which is better than the worst choice) will return 3X. So it is a lot more critical to worry about reducing parallel work than knowing which is most important.


Embrace serialization as a philosophy for work management. Far from a simplistic shift, it's a strategic realignment that promises not just improved operational efficiency but also financial vitality. As we debunk the myth of multitasking, we open doors to a world where focus reigns supreme, and productivity is not just about doing more, but about achieving more, more quickly. Let's recalibrate our workdays, reaping the rewards of a serialized approach to task management. This is a hard contract to establish in an organization as the reasons to start new work proliferate under hopeful thinking. Remember, in the quest for peak performance, it's often the single-minded pursuit of one goal at a time that carries us to the finish line.

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